Program description:
The BODY FLUID CELLS EQA is an External Quality Assessment program that controls the quantification of leukocytes and erythrocytes in body fluids on hematology analyzers.
The control can be used on SYSMEX XN, XE and XT with body fluid module, Mindray BC-6800, DxH600/800 from Beckman Coulter in BFC mode and also Yumizen Horiba instruments (exhaustive list).
Shipments are scheduled twice a year (March and August) with two samples (3ml blood tubes).
(quantification of leucocytes and erythrocytes)
Number of RBC per microliter or mm3
Number of WBC per microliter or mm3
Comparison groups:
All techniques comparison: Statistical treatment made with all the EQA results, all techniques included.
Peer group comparison: Statistical treatment made with the EQA results from laboratories which use the same manufacturer’s analyzers.
We identified 3 peer groups for this program:
Coulter DxH-series group
Sysmex XE-XN-XT4000i group
Mindray BC-6800 group