Program description:
The CD34+ EQA is an External Quality Assessment program which allows to control the quantity of antibodies CD34+ staining, RBC lysis on flow cytometry instruments.
The control contains human stem cells and can be used on most of flow cytometers.
Shipments are scheduled twice a year (April and October) with three samples (1,5 ml blood tubes) to obtain 4 evaluation reports over a year.
(control the quantity of antibodies CD34+)
CD34+%: percentage of CD34+
CD34+#: number of CD34+ per microliter
CD45+#: number of CD45+ per microliter
Comparison groups:
All techniques comparison: Statistical treatment made with all the EQA results, all techniques included.
Peer group comparison: Statistical treatment made with the EQA results from laboratories which use the same manufacturer’s cytometer.
We identified 2 peer groups for this program:
Becton cytometers group
Coulter cytometers group