Program description:
The RBC-F EQA is an External Quality Assessment program which allows to control methods for detection of Fetal Red Blood Cells containing Hb-F or Rho (D antigen) for the research of fetomaternal hemorrhage.
The control contains adult Rh negative red blood cells and Rh positive red blood cells from cord blood.
Shipments are scheduled twice a year (May and November) with two samples (2ml blood vials).
(detection of Fetal Red Blood)
Number of Fetal RBC for 10 000 adult RBC.
Comparison groups:
All techniques comparison: Statistical treatment made with all the EQA results, all techniques included.
Peer group comparison: Statistical treatment made with the EQA results from laboratories which use the same technique.
We identified 2 peer groups for this program:
Kleihauer Manual Method group
Flow cytometer group