Program description:
The NRBC EQA is an External Quality Assessment program which allows to control the exactitude of hematology instruments from SYSMEX and MINDRAY manufacturers, which measure quantitatively the erythroblasts in the whole blood.
The survey can be used on hematology instruments SYSMEX XE-2100, XE-5000, XN-Series and MINDRAY BC-6800 (exhaustive list). Samples can be run directly in PATIENT mode.
Shipments are scheduled twice a year (February and September) with four samples (tubes with 2ml of blood). You will obtain 4 evaluation reports. Tubes will be tested as follows :
2 tubes in February / March
1 tube in March / April
1 tube in September
2 tubes in October
(measure quantitatively the erythroblats in the blood)
NRBC%: percentage of NRBC (erythroblasts)
NRBC#: Number of NRBC cells (erythroblasts) x 103/µL & 109/L
WBC: Number of White blood cells x 103/µL & 109/L
Comparison groups:
All techniques comparison: Statistical treatment made with all the EQA results, all techniques included.
Peer group comparison: Statistical treatment made with the EQA results from laboratories which use the same manufacturer’analyzers.
We identified 4 peer groups for this program:
SYSMEX XN-Series group
SYSMEX XE-2100 / XE-5000
MINDRAY BC-6800 group & BC-6600 group
MINDRAY BC-6200 group & BC-6000 group